- Etapa de clarificare
- Depunerea ofertelor
- Licitație electronică
- Etapa de evaluare a ofertelor
- Contract
Servicii de elaborare a documentației tehnice pentru faza Proiect, supraveghere de autor și asistenţă tehnică din partea proiectantului pentru construcția Spitalului Regional Bălți
Informaţia despre Autoritatea Contractantă
Codul fiscal/IDNO
Web site
Persoana de contact
Datele achiziției
Data publicării
Ultima modificare
MTender ID
Tip de procedură
Criteriu de evaluare
Lista loturilor
Denumirea lotului : Servicii de proiectare „Construcția Spitalului Regional Bălți” //Design services "Construction of Balti Regional Hospital"
Servicii de elaborare a documentației tehnice pentru faza Proiect, supraveghere de autor și asistenţă tehnică din partea proiectantului pentru construcția Spitalului Regional Bălți // Services for the elaboration of the technical documentation (Design phase), author supervision and designer’s technical assistance for the construction of the Balti Regional Hospital
Documentele procedurii de achiziție
- specificația tehnică vers. română
Specificații tehnice
25.10.2024 15:06:32
Criterii de calificare și de selecție
25.10.2024 15:06:32
-Terms of reference English vers.
Specificații tehnice
25.10.2024 15:06:32
- notice of participation English vers.
Invitaţie de participare
25.10.2024 15:06:32
- standard documentation English vers.
Criterii de calificare și de selecție
25.10.2024 15:06:32
-The European Single Procurement Document
Criterii de atrebuire/factori de evaluare
25.10.2024 15:06:32
-Environmental and Social Assessment Report for the Construction a New Greenfield Regional Hospital in Bălţi - Moldova
Documentaţie de atribuire
28.11.2024 11:20:38
28.11.2024 09:29
Răspuns la clarificare: Please find attached the requested clarifications: 1., 2. In Associations, to qualify as required, participants must demonstrate similar experience commensurate with the tasks to be performed by each member. Thus, each participant in the Association shall demonstrate a similar experience acquired in dependence on the tasks assumed for the performance of the future contract. The participants' qualifications will be assessed in light of the obligations undertaken and their ability (experience) to perform them. At the same time, the Leader of the Association shall execute at least 40% of the value of the future public works procurement contract. 4. As outlined in Chapter 3 of the TOR, bidders must demonstrate their experience in successfully delivering similar services within the 5-year period (2019–2023). This includes providing a list of services rendered and completed during the last five years, from start to finish. 5., 6. The page format will be A4. It should be noted that the 10-page limit applies to the narrative description of the working methodology. However, the Tenderer may include additional documents, as needed, to provide relevant information regarding the execution of the contract. 7. The scope of the contract is - Services for the elaboration of the technical documentation (design phase), author supervision and technical assistance from the designer for the construction of the Balti Regional Hospital. The deliverables are described in chapter 2 of the TOR, and their systematization is mentioned in chapter 4 of the Table of Services Description. The "Technical Assistance" entails the Service Provider supporting the Beneficiary by offering guidance and clarifications on technical solutions related to the deliverables submitted under the contract. Additionally, the Provider is tasked with preparing the design-build tender specifications, including compiling the list of medical equipment. The "Author Supervision" involves the Provider overseeing the implementation of project solutions and approving any necessary adjustments to the project. The Concept Design Firm is responsible for maintaining the overall design intent, aesthetic vision, and functional requirements established in the concept. They review and approve changes that impact the original design, such as layout modifications, spatial planning, or significant material substitutions, and participate in high-level coordination meetings to address overarching design issues. The Technical Details Firm ensures that construction adheres to detailed specifications and engineering standards. They handle adjustments related to structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems and provide solutions for on-site issues involving technical detailing or regulatory compliance. 8. The technical and financial proposal will be submitted in Romanian, the other documents can also be submitted in English.
28.11.2024 09:45
Răspuns la clarificare: The bidder will submit the annex no.15 through SIA RSAP. Documents containing personal data will be sent via e-mail to the address: procurement_rh@ms.gov.md.
28.11.2024 14:59
Răspuns la clarificare: Please find attached the requested clarifications: 1. The environmental and social impact assessment was carried out by foreign experts in 2023. The document will be uploaded in SIA RSAP. The land was transferred to the Ministry of Health, and the existing buildings on the land subject to demolition are not in use. Other legal impediments to the land intended for the construction of SR Balti are not known. 2. a). The "Technical Assistance" entails the Service Provider supporting the Beneficiary by offering guidance and clarifications on technical solutions related to the deliverables submitted under the contract. Additionally, the Provider is tasked with preparing the design-build tender specifications, including compiling the list of medical equipment. The "Author Supervision" involves the Provider overseeing the implementation of project solutions and approving any necessary adjustments to the project. The Concept Design Firm is responsible for maintaining the overall design intent, aesthetic vision, and functional requirements established in the concept. They review and approve changes that impact the original design, such as layout modifications, spatial planning, or significant material substitutions, and participate in high-level coordination meetings to address overarching design issues. The Technical Details Firm ensures that construction adheres to detailed specifications and engineering standards. They handle adjustments related to structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems and provide solutions for on-site issues involving technical detailing or regulatory compliance. b). The author's supervision will be paid on a separate time-based contract. At the same time, it is important to note that once the tender is applied, the Service Provider assumes the obligation to provide these services. In addition, a separate mention of the price (man-day) for the given services will be included in the price offer. This price will not be part of the value of the financial offer but will constitute a reference point for the subsequent contract. 3. The budget is a limit criterion. Republic of Moldova Law no. 131/2015 prescribes the cancellation of the tender if the bids exceed 30% of the estimated value of the purchase. 4. The bidder may include in the technical proposal other types of personnel necessary for the implementation of the project based on its own experience. Up to this point, no traffic study has been conducted. Such a study is essential due to the land's location on the outskirts of the city, beyond the reach of the public transportation network. Additionally, the traffic study will assess access to the site and evaluate the necessity of installing roundabouts and pedestrian crossings. 5. Given the early phase of the project, the connection points to the utility networks are not known. The provider will be responsible for obtaining the Environmental Agreement and preparing the Zonal Urban Plan to integrate the land in the locality's built-up area. 6. Given the budget constraints for Balti RH, a construction covering 38,340 m² is planned as outlined in Annex 1. Meanwhile, to ensure the quality of medical services, proposals for improvements will be considered, provided they do not significantly exceed the estimated construction area. 7. The technical and financial proposal will be submitted in Romanian, the other documents can also be submitted in English.
Depunerea ofertelor
Valoarea estimată fără TVA25.10.2024 15:06:32 - 02.12.2024 13:30:00
02.12.2024 13:30:00 - 22.01.2025 14:00:00