- Clarification stage
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- Contract
Articole parafarmaceutice
Information about the contracting authority
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Tender information
Date of publishing
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MTender ID
CPV code
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Evaluation criteria
Bid lot list
Lot name : Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.24
Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.24
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 2:14:30 PM
Lot name : Cateter Petter G26
Cateter Petter G26
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 8:37:00 AM
Lot name : Cateter Kumpe access Fr-5
Cateter Kumpe access Fr-5
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 8:00:00 AM
Lot name : Cathejell (steril) flacon 10ml
Cathejell (steril) flacon 10ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:09:30 AM
Lot name : Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.30
Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.30
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:18:30 AM
Lot name : Pîlnie pentru lavaj gastric
Pîlnie pentru lavaj gastric
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 1:51:30 PM
Lot name : Tub trasheostomic bilumenal N.6
Tub trasheostomic bilumenal N.6
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:37:00 AM
Lot name : Masca de examinare simpla
1.Material: polipropilenă - nețesut, trei straturi, trei pliuri 2.Hipoalergica 3.Fixare cu de elastic 4.Culoare: alb, albastru (bleu) sau verde 5.Să permită respirația fără efort 6.Protecție împotriva contaminării 7.Adaptabilă la forma feței, cu benzi fixatoare, din plastic, pentru nas Certificat CE sau declarație de conformitate în funcție de evaluarea conformității cu anexele corespunzătoare pentru produsul dat. Certificat ISO 13485 și/sau ISO 9001 (în dependență de categoria produsului).
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:32:30 AM
Lot name : Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=20cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, bilumenal
Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=20cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, bilumenal
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:09:30 AM
Lot name : Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=30cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, bilumenal
Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=30cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, bilumenal
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:28:00 AM
Lot name : Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=30cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, trilumenal
Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=30cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, trilumenal
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:23:30 PM
Lot name : Cistostomă troacară (14CH) set
Cistostomă troacară (14CH) set
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:28:00 AM
Lot name : Piesa Y-conector rotativ cu capac de aspirație siliconat
Piesa Y-conector rotativ cu capac de aspirație siliconat
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 1:33:00 PM
Lot name : Sutură PGA Rapid, atraumatic (mărimi disponibile: firul USP 4/0 - 1, ac rotund și tăietor de 1/2 și 3/8 cerc)
PGA Rapid, atraumatic, resorbabil (ac sudat) 1.Rezistența maximală 7 zile, absorbția totală 42 zile, 2.Lungimea 75 cm, 3.Material ac - otel inoxidabil, chirurgical, cromat și/sau siliconat, ascuțit 4.Steril - etilen oxid 5.Hipoalergic, non-toxic 6.Ambalaj: ambalate individual 7.Termen de valabilitate ≥ 24 luni 8.Să corespundă cerințelor ”European Pharmacopoeia” a ”EDQM” pentru suturi chirurgicale, resorbabile, sterile. 9.Certificat CE, să întrunească cerințele de bază a directivei 93/42/EEC - dispozitive medicale și directivei 2007/47 10.Certificat ISO 13485 11.Confirmarea precum la livrare termenul de valabilitate a produsului va fi nu mai mic de 80% din termenul total de valabilitate a acestuia
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:28:00 PM
Lot name : Cateter Petter G24
Cateter Petter G24
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 8:18:30 AM
Lot name : Set dilatatoare uretrale (8 - 26 CH)
Set dilatatoare uretrale (8 - 26 CH)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:32:30 AM
Lot name : Servețele unica folosință pentru prelucrarea monitoarelor
Servețele unica folosință pentru prelucrarea monitoarelor
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 9:18:30 AM
Lot name : Măscă pentru respirație artificială de unica folosință
Măscă pentru respirație artificială de unica folosință
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:37:30 PM
Lot name : Masca Laringiana 70kg, 90kg, 100kg
Masca Laringiana 70kg, 90kg, 100kg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:19:00 PM
Lot name : Transductor de o singură utilizare pentru măsurarea invazivă a PVC
Transductor de o singură utilizare pentru măsurarea invazivă a PVC
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 1:37:30 PM
Lot name : Manometru de presiune manjetă tub intub.
Manometru de presiune manjetă tub intub.
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:00:30 PM
Lot name : Cateter Petter G30
Cateter Petter G30
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 9:14:00 AM
Lot name : Dilatator Amplatz cu teacă (28 FR)
Dilatator Amplatz cu teacă (28 FR)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:05:00 AM
Lot name : Sonda pentru flebectomie/Babcoc/
Sonda pentru flebectomie/Babcoc/
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 1:00:30 PM
Lot name : Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=20cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, monolumenal
Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=20cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, monolumenal
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:46:30 AM
Lot name : Cateter Petter G28
Cateter Petter G28
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 8:55:30 AM
Lot name : Cateter Ureteral Open-End FR-5
Cateter Ureteral Open-End FR-5
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 9:51:00 AM
Lot name : Pensă pentru extragerea calculilor pentru nefroscop
Pensă pentru extragerea calculilor pentru nefroscop
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 1:14:30 PM
Lot name : Sutură Polypropylene, atraumatic (mărimi disponibile: firul USP 4/0 - 2, ac rotund și tăietor de 1/2 și 3/8 cerc)
Sutură Polypropylene, atraumatic (ac sudat) 1.Neresorbabil, monofilament 2.Lungimea 75 cm, 3.Material ac - otel inoxidabil, chirurgical, cromat și/sau siliconat, ascuțit 4.Steril - etilen oxid 5.Hipoalergic, non-toxic, reactie minima la nivel de tesut 6.Rezistență ridicată la rupere 7.Structură flexibilă, rezistență la oboseală 8.Ambalaj: ambalate individual 9.Termen de valabilitate ≥ 24 luni 10.Să corespundă cerințelor ”European Pharmacopoeia” a ”EDQM” pentru suturi chirurgicale, neresorbabile, sterile. 11.Certificat CE, să întrunească cerințele de bază a directivei 93/42/EEC - dispozitive medicale și directivei 2007/47 12.Certificat ISO 13485 13.Confirmarea precum la livrare termenul de valabilitate a produsului va fi nu mai mic de 80% din termenul total de valabilitate a acestuia
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:09:30 PM
Lot name : Măscă pentru respirație artificială neinvazivă cu posibilitatea de conectare la aparat de respirație mecanică pentru adulți
Măscă pentru respirație artificială neinvazivă cu posibilitatea de conectare la aparat de respirație mecanică pentru adulți
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:56:00 PM
Lot name : Set dilatatoare Amplatz (6 FR – 30 FR)
Set dilatatoare Amplatz (6 FR – 30 FR)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 9:55:30 AM
Lot name : Trusă pentru igiena cavităţii bucale adult pentru 24h
Trusă pentru igiena cavităţii bucale adult pentru 24h
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 1:56:00 PM
Lot name : Set pentru cateterizarea venei jugulare
Set pentru cateterizarea venei jugulare
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:51:00 AM
Lot name : Pungi tehnologice pentru decongelarea plasmei
Pungi tehnologice pentru decongelarea plasmei
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 2:28:30 PM
Lot name : Sutură Mătase, atraumatic (mărimi disponibile: firul USP 4/0 - 4, ac rotund și tăietor de 1/2 și 3/8 cerc)
Sutură Mătase, atraumatic (ac sudat) 1.Neresorbabil, polifilament filmat (silicon/ceară) 2.Lungimea 75 cm, 3.Material ac - otel inoxidabil, chirurgical, cromat și/sau siliconat, ascuțit 4.Steril - etilen oxid 5.Hipoalergic, non-toxic, reactie minima la nivel de tesut 6.Rezistență ridicată la rupere 7.Structură flexibilă, rezistență la oboseală 8.Ambalaj: ambalate individual 9.Termen de valabilitate ≥ 24 luni 10.Să corespundă cerințelor ”European Pharmacopoeia” a ”EDQM” pentru suturi chirurgicale, neresorbabile, sterile. 11.Certificat CE, să întrunească cerințele de bază a directivei 93/42/EEC - dispozitive medicale și directivei 2007/47 12.Certificat ISO 13485 13.Confirmarea precum la livrare termenul de valabilitate a produsului va fi nu mai mic de 80% din termenul total de valabilitate a acestuia
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:51:00 AM
Lot name : Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=20cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, trilumenal
Set pentru cateterizarea venei subclave, l=20cm, ac 16-18G 8cm, trilumenal
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:05:00 PM
Lot name : Plosca din inox
Plosca din inox
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 2:10:00 PM
Lot name : Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.28
Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.28
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:00:00 AM
Lot name : Set cateterizarea arteriei radiale cu conductor,sac arterial pressional adult d=4F, rentgenocontrast,PVC free
Set cateterizarea arteriei radiale cu conductor,sac arterial pressional adult d=4F, rentgenocontrast,PVC free
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 9:37:00 AM
Lot name : Stone Basket Nitinol FR3
Stone Basket Nitinol FR3
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 1:19:00 PM
Lot name : Turusol (steril) pungă 3000ml
Turusol (steril) pungă 3000ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:55:30 AM
Lot name : Set dilatatoare ureterale (6 FR – 18 FR), cu ghid
Set dilatatoare ureterale (6 FR – 18 FR), cu ghid
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:14:00 AM
Lot name : Cateter ureteral de acces, bilumen 6/10 CH/FR, 50cm
Cateter ureteral de acces, bilumen 6/10 CH/FR, 50cm
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 9:32:30 AM
Lot name : Impingator orientabil 7FR
Impingator orientabil 7FR
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:42:00 AM
Lot name : Saci presionali pentru cateterizarea arteriei
Saci presionali pentru cateterizarea arteriei
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 9:00:00 AM
Lot name : Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.26
Tub p-u drenaj tip "Redon" nr.26
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 2:33:00 PM
Lot name : dispozitiv pentru hipotermie dirijată a pacientului critic
dispozitiv pentru hipotermie dirijată a pacientului critic
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:23:30 AM
Lot name : Dilatator al meatului uretral pentru adulți
Dilatator al meatului uretral pentru adulți
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 10:46:30 AM
Lot name : Sonda lavaj gastric d=1cm, L=50-100 cm
Sonda lavaj gastric d=1cm, L=50-100 cm
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 12:42:00 PM
Lot name : Ureteral Ballon dilatator FR5 75 cm
Ureteral Ballon dilatator FR5 75 cm
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 3/20/2019 2:00:00 AM Till 12/30/2019 2:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 3/13/2019 11:14:00 AM
Procurement procedure documents
No questions posted
Canceled procedure
Estimated value without VAT2/18/2019 8:45:37 AM - 3/1/2019 10:00:00 AM
3/1/2019 10:00:00 AM - 3/12/2019 10:00:00 AM