- Clarification stage
- Bid submission
- E-tenders
- Bid evaluation
- Contract
Reagenţi şi consumabile de laborator pentru anul 2019
Information about the contracting authority
Fiscal code / IDNO
Web site
Tender information
Date of publishing
Last edited
MTender ID
CPV code
Procedure type
Evaluation criteria
Bid lot list
Lot name : Marker p/u sticla, negru
Marker p/u sticla, negru
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:20 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 8:00:00 AM
Lot name : Țoliclon Anti D Super 50 doze, 5ml
Țoliclon Anti D Super 50 doze, 5ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:34 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:33:00 PM
Lot name : Transponder 500
Transponder 500
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:13 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:09:30 AM
Lot name : Azur-Eozin Romanovski, 1L
Azur-Eozin Romanovski, 1L
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:52 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 8:18:30 AM
Lot name : Reagenti pentru analizator de gaze sanguine ABL80 (sistema de tip închis)
Reagenti pentru analizator de gaze sanguine ABL80 (sistema de tip închis)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:09 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 9:14:00 AM
Lot name : Soluţie de sistem pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Soluţie de sistem pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:24 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:28:00 AM
Lot name : Material Control suspenzii pentru trombocite min 2,5 ml
Material Control suspenzii pentru trombocite min 2,5 ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:41 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:05:00 AM
Lot name : Lamele 24x24 mm (set 100 buc)
Lamele 24x24 mm (set 100 buc)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:03 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:23:30 AM
Lot name : Țoliclon Anti B 50 doze, 5ml
Țoliclon Anti B 50 doze, 5ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:23 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:46:30 AM
Lot name : Container pentru colectarea urinei 170 ml, nesteril cu capac
Container pentru colectarea urinei 170 ml, nesteril cu capac
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:07 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:18:30 PM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM difterici (ELISA)
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM difterici (ELISA)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:26 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 8:37:00 AM
Lot name : Anticorpilor la Epştein-Barr Virus EBV /EAIgG
Anticorpilor la Epştein-Barr Virus EBV /EAIgG
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:51 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 8:55:30 AM
Lot name : Eprubete K3EDTA 1,0 ml capac de cauciuc cu valvă, cu etichetă
Eprubete K3EDTA 1,0 ml capac de cauciuc cu valvă, cu etichetă
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:51 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:37:30 PM
Lot name : Anticorpilor către HBsAg
Anticorpilor către HBsAg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:19 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:51:00 AM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgG pertusici (ELISA)
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgG pertusici (ELISA)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:39 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:19:00 PM
Lot name : Fenol (acid carbonic)
Fenol (acid carbonic)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:49 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:42:00 AM
Lot name : Acid acetic glacial
Acid acetic glacial
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:39 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 9:51:00 AM
Lot name : Dozator automat cu volum variabil 5-50 mcl
Dozator automat cu volum variabil 5-50 mcl
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:53:41 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:14:30 PM
Lot name : Colesterol LDL pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Colesterol LDL pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:58:55 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:56:00 PM
Lot name : Anticorpilor la infecţia cu Cytomegalovirus IgG
Anticorpilor la infecţia cu Cytomegalovirus IgG
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:01:08 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:28:30 PM
Lot name : Teste pentru determinarea corpilor cetonici în urină
Teste pentru determinarea corpilor cetonici în urină
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:54 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:51:30 PM
Lot name : Material de control pentru calibrarea investigațiilor biochimici pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Material de control pentru calibrarea investigațiilor biochimici pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:14 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 9:00:00 AM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgG la rujeolă
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgG la rujeolă
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:12 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:46:30 PM
Lot name : Plasmă de control normal (nivel normal) Protrombin (fl 1ml)
Plasmă de control normal (nivel normal) Protrombin (fl 1ml)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:02 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:05:00 PM
Lot name : Anticorpilor la infecţia Epştein-Barr Virus EBV IgM
Anticorpilor la infecţia Epştein-Barr Virus EBV IgM
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:41 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:05:00 PM
Lot name : Anticorpilor la infecţia Epştein-Barr Virus EBV/ VCAIgG
Anticorpilor la infecţia Epştein-Barr Virus EBV/ VCAIgG
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:47 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:10:00 PM
Lot name : Material Control suspenzii pentru eritrocite min 2,5 ml
Material Control suspenzii pentru eritrocite min 2,5 ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:30 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:28:00 AM
Lot name : Material de control biochimic patologic indicii jos pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Material de control biochimic patologic indicii jos pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:10 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:56:00 PM
Lot name : Material Control calitate pentru determinarea proteinei în urina 3 nivele, 5x3ml
Material Control calitate pentru determinarea proteinei în urina 3 nivele, 5x3ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:46 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:32:30 AM
Lot name : Material de control biochimic patologic indicii înalți pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Material de control biochimic patologic indicii înalți pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:04 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:55:30 AM
Lot name : Soluţie de spălare pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Soluţie de spălare pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:19 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 9:37:00 AM
Lot name : Hîrtie de filtru
Hîrtie de filtru
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:53:54 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:00:30 PM
Lot name : Material de control hemoglobin 3 niveluri 5 ml
Material de control hemoglobin 3 niveluri 5 ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:25 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:37:00 AM
Lot name : Eprubete plastic conice cu capac, volum singe 8-10 ml
Eprubete plastic conice cu capac, volum singe 8-10 ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:42 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:14:00 AM
Lot name : Dozator automat cu volum variabil 20-200 mcl
Dozator automat cu volum variabil 20-200 mcl
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:53:32 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:37:30 PM
Lot name : HBsAg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:14 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:19:00 PM
Lot name : Reagenţi pentru Analizorul complet automat de hematologie PENTRA ES 60
Reagenţi pentru Analizorul complet automat de hematologie PENTRA ES 60
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:52 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:14:00 AM
Lot name : Clor pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Clor pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:58:44 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:42:00 PM
Lot name : Containere pentru colectarea deşeurilor medicale 10 kg
Containere pentru colectarea deşeurilor medicale 10 kg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:56 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:23:30 PM
Lot name : Anticorpilor către HCV sumar
Anticorpilor către HCV sumar
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:29 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:09:30 AM
Lot name : Eprubete coagulogramă Citrat Na 3,8% , volum singe 3ml
Eprubete coagulogramă Citrat Na 3,8% , volum singe 3ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:47 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:46:30 AM
Lot name : Eprubete pediatrice 2 ml pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Eprubete pediatrice 2 ml pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:29 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:00:00 AM
Lot name : Ulei de imersie 100ml
Ulei de imersie 100ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:56 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:33:00 PM
Lot name : Eprubete/Cuve 5 ml, prelucrate cu anticoagulant pentru analizatorul Selectra ProM,
Eprubete/Cuve 5 ml, prelucrate cu anticoagulant pentru analizatorul Selectra ProM,
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:33 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:00:30 PM
Lot name : Anticorpilor la infecţia cu Cytomegalovirus IgM
Anticorpilor la infecţia cu Cytomegalovirus IgM
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:01:03 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:37:30 PM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la borelioza Lyme IgG (ELISA)
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la borelioza Lyme IgG (ELISA)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:01:17 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 10:18:30 AM
Lot name : Anticorpilor către IgM HAV
Anticorpilor către IgM HAV
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:34 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:23:30 PM
Lot name : Material de control biochimic normal pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Material de control biochimic normal pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:58:59 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:46:30 PM
Lot name : Acid sulfosalicilic cu standard pentru determinarea proteinei în urină 600 ml
Acid sulfosalicilic cu standard pentru determinarea proteinei în urină 600 ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:58:00 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:05:00 PM
Lot name : Hemoglobin Drabkin 3x50 ml
Hemoglobin Drabkin 3x50 ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:17 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 9:55:30 AM
Lot name : Test strip-determinarea a 11 parametri în urină (blood, urobilinogen, bilirubina, proteina, nitriti, cetone, acid ascorbic, glucoza, pH, specific gravity, leucocite)
Test strip-determinarea a 11 parametri în urină (blood, urobilinogen, bilirubina, proteina, nitriti, cetone, acid ascorbic, glucoza, pH, specific gravity, leucocite)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:48 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 9:18:30 AM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la borelioza Lyme IgM (ELISA)
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la borelioza Lyme IgM (ELISA)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:01:13 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:51:00 AM
Lot name : Anticorpilor la Epştein-Barr Virus EBV - EBNA IgG
Anticorpilor la Epştein-Barr Virus EBV - EBNA IgG
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:57 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:09:30 PM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgG la oreion
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgG la oreion
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:02 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:32:30 AM
Lot name : Consumabile şi reagenţi pentru analizatorul ionoselectiv K, Na, Easy Lyte plus (sistema de tip închis)
Consumabile şi reagenţi pentru analizatorul ionoselectiv K, Na, Easy Lyte plus (sistema de tip închis)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:01 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:18:30 AM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM pertusici (ELISA)
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM pertusici (ELISA)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:33 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:00:00 AM
Lot name : Dozator automat cu volum variabil 10-100 mcl
Dozator automat cu volum variabil 10-100 mcl
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:58:16 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:19:00 PM
Lot name : Țoliclon Anti AB 50 doze, 5ml
Țoliclon Anti AB 50 doze, 5ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:28 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:14:30 PM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la yersenioze IgM (ELISA)
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la yersenioze IgM (ELISA)
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:21 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:42:00 PM
Lot name : Eprubete borosilicate pentru Stat-Fax
Eprubete borosilicate pentru Stat-Fax
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:37 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:37:00 AM
Lot name : Dozator automat cu volum variabil 100-1000 mcl
Dozator automat cu volum variabil 100-1000 mcl
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:53:50 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:32:30 PM
Lot name : Material Control suspenzii pentru leucocite min2,5 ml
Material Control suspenzii pentru leucocite min2,5 ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:36 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:51:00 PM
Lot name : Determinarea anticorpilor IgG anti HSV tip1/tip2
Determinarea anticorpilor IgG anti HSV tip1/tip2
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:50 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:32:30 PM
Lot name : Container pentru colectarea maselor fecale, plastic, cu capac, cu lopațică, nesteril
Container pentru colectarea maselor fecale, plastic, cu capac, cu lopațică, nesteril
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:53:59 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:14:00 PM
Lot name : Țoliclon Anti A 50 doze, 5ml
Țoliclon Anti A 50 doze, 5ml
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:17 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 11:55:30 AM
Lot name : Acid azatic H NO3
Acid azatic H NO3
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:45 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:28:00 PM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM la oreion
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM la oreion
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:56 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:00:30 PM
Lot name : Anticorpilor către HBc sumar
Anticorpilor către HBc sumar
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 6:00:24 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:09:30 PM
Lot name : Plancete slaiduri pentru sedimentul urinei
Plancete slaiduri pentru sedimentul urinei
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:54:14 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:14:00 PM
Lot name : Determinarea anticorpilor IgM anti HSV tip1/tip2
Determinarea anticorpilor IgM anti HSV tip1/tip2
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:55:45 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 9:32:30 AM
Lot name : Rotor chiuvetă pentru 48 reactii pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Rotor chiuvetă pentru 48 reactii pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:38 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 1:28:00 PM
Lot name : Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM la rujeolă
Reacţia imunoenzimatică la anticorpi IgM la rujeolă
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:56:07 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:00:00 PM
Lot name : Proteina C reativa pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Proteina C reativa pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M”
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:58:50 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:55:30 PM
Lot name : Set de mentenance pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M” PRO M /EL 200, 6003-383
Set de mentenance pentru Analizatorul biochimic automat Random Acces „Selectra Pro M” PRO M /EL 200, 6003-383
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:59:43 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 2:23:30 PM
Lot name : Tromboplastină (Quic activity 14-18) 1gr, ISI nu mai mic de 1,1
Tromboplastină (Quic activity 14-18) 1gr, ISI nu mai mic de 1,1
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 2/27/2019 5:57:07 PM Till 12/30/2019 8:00:00 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 2/27/2019 12:37:00 PM
Procurement procedure documents
14.02.2019 16:08
Response to clarification: La întrebarea adresată vă informăm despre faptul că licitația precedentă a fost anulată din motivul că unele poziții au fost greșit plasate în lot, iar sistemul nu ne-a permis sa efectuăm modicările respective pentru a schimba acest fapt. Referitor la solicitarea cu inginerii la care faceti trimitere, vă informăm că vom efectua modificări în documentația procedurii, în acest sens urmăriți modificările care vor fi efectuate în sistem, în cel mai scurt timp posibil.
Canceled procedure
Estimated value without VAT2/11/2019 6:00:29 PM - 2/17/2019 3:32:22 PM
2/17/2019 3:32:22 PM - 2/26/2019 3:32:22 PM