- Clarification stage
- Bid submission
- E-tenders
- Bid evaluation
- Contract
Reagenți chimici 3
Information about the contracting authority
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Tender information
Date of publishing
Last edited
MTender ID
CPV code
Procedure type
Evaluation criteria
Bid lot list
Lot name : Lot 1. Oxid de mercur galben
Lot 1. Oxid de mercur galben
Lot name : Lot 2. Anhidrida de arseniu
Lot 2. Anhidrida de arseniu
Lot name : Lot 3. Anhidrida trifluoracetica
Lot 3. Anhidrida trifluoracetica
Lot name : Lot 4. Acid sulfuric pur (ambalaj 1L)
Lot 4. Acid sulfuric pur (ambalaj 1L)
Lot name : Lot 5. Acid citric super pur
Lot 5. Acid citric super pur
Lot name : Lot 6. 6Acetilacetonă
Lot 6. 6Acetilacetonă
Lot name : Lot 7 Dimetilformamida
Lot 7 Dimetilformamida
Lot name : Lot 8 Dioxan (ambalaj 1 l)
Lot 8 Dioxan (ambalaj 1 l)
Lot name : Lot 9. Etilenglicol
Lot 9. Etilenglicol
Lot name : Lot 10. Albastru de bromfenol
Lot 10. Albastru de bromfenol
Lot name : Lot 11. Albastru de bromtimol
Lot 11. Albastru de bromtimol
Lot name : Lot 12. Albastru de metilen
Lot 12. Albastru de metilen
Lot name : Lot 13. Alizarin complexon dihidrat, p.a. 98.5%, Lot 7257,DCC
Lot 13. Alizarin complexon dihidrat, p.a. 98.5%, Lot 7257,DCC
Lot name : Lot14. Azur 1
Lot14. Azur 1
Lot name : Lot 15. Indicator Andrede
Lot 15. Indicator Andrede
Lot name : Lot 16. Cloramin T
Lot 16. Cloramin T
Lot name : Lot 17. Cromogen negru
Lot 17. Cromogen negru
Lot name : Lot 18. Fenolftaleină
Lot 18. Fenolftaleină
Lot name : Lot 19. Sare de sodiu a acidului cromotropic
Lot 19. Sare de sodiu a acidului cromotropic
Lot name : Lot 20. Acid n-fenilantranilic
Lot 20. Acid n-fenilantranilic
Lot name : Lot 21. Violet de pirocatecol
Lot 21. Violet de pirocatecol
Lot name : Lot 22. Amoniu rodanură
Lot 22. Amoniu rodanură
Lot name : Lot 23. Amoniu sulfid
Lot 23. Amoniu sulfid
Lot name : Lot 24. Amoniu sulfura (NH4)2S
Lot 24. Amoniu sulfura (NH4)2S
Lot name : Lot 25. Calciu carbonat
Lot 25. Calciu carbonat
Lot name : Lot 26. Potasiu antimonil tartrat (C8H10K2O15Sb2)
Lot 26. Potasiu antimonil tartrat (C8H10K2O15Sb2)
Lot name : Lot 27. Magneziu sulfat anhidru (MgSO4 anhidru)
Lot 27. Magneziu sulfat anhidru (MgSO4 anhidru)
Lot name : Lot 28. Magnezium nitrate hexahydrate Mg(NO3) *6H2O matrix modifier for AAS
Lot 28. Magnezium nitrate hexahydrate Mg(NO3) *6H2O matrix modifier for AAS
Lot name : Lot 29. Mercur clorura
Lot 29. Mercur clorura
Lot name : Lot 30. Natriu sulfat (anhidru)
Lot 30. Natriu sulfat (anhidru)
Lot name : Lot 31. Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate
Lot 31. Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate
Lot name : Lot 32. Sarea disodică a acidului cromatropic
Lot 32. Sarea disodică a acidului cromatropic
Lot name : Lot 33. Sodium carbonate
Lot 33. Sodium carbonate
Lot name : Lot 34. Sodiu arsenit(arsenat)
Lot 34. Sodiu arsenit(arsenat)
Lot name : Lot 35. Sodiu nutriprusid
Lot 35. Sodiu nutriprusid
Lot name : Lot 36. Telurit de potasiu K2TeO3
Lot 36. Telurit de potasiu K2TeO3
Lot name : Lot 37. Caliu periodat(KIO4)
Lot 37. Caliu periodat(KIO4)
Lot name : Lot 38. Amidopiridina
Lot 38. Amidopiridina
Lot name : Lot 39. Dietilditiocarbamat de Argint
Lot 39. Dietilditiocarbamat de Argint
Lot name : Lot 40. 4-aminoantipirin
Lot 40. 4-aminoantipirin
Lot name : Lot 41. Cleol
Lot 41. Cleol
Lot name : Lot 42. Defenilolpropan
Lot 42. Defenilolpropan
Lot name : Lot 43. P-dimetilaminobenzald
Lot 43. P-dimetilaminobenzald
Lot name : Lot 44. Dodecilsulfat de Sodiu
Lot 44. Dodecilsulfat de Sodiu
Lot name : Lot 45. Etilendiamina dihidroclorura
Lot 45. Etilendiamina dihidroclorura
Lot name : Lot 46. Benzidina
Lot 46. Benzidina
Lot name : Lot 47. 1,10 fenantralina monohidrat
Lot 47. 1,10 fenantralina monohidrat
Lot name : Lot 48. Murexid
Lot 48. Murexid
Lot name : Lot 49. N-1-naftilendiamină dihidroclorură
Lot 49. N-1-naftilendiamină dihidroclorură
Lot name : Lot 50. 1-naftilamina
Lot 50. 1-naftilamina
Lot name : Lot 51. NN dimetil-p-fenilendiamin clorură
Lot 51. NN dimetil-p-fenilendiamin clorură
Lot name : Lot 52.Sulfonilamidă
Lot 52.Sulfonilamidă
Lot name : Lot 53. Ditizon
Lot 53. Ditizon
Lot name : Lot 54. Para-toluidina(4 amino toluidina)
Lot 54. Para-toluidina(4 amino toluidina)
Lot name : Lot 55. Unguent pentru instalatiile vacuum
Lot 55. Unguent pentru instalatiile vacuum
Lot name : Lot 56. Uree
Lot 56. Uree
Lot name : Lot 57. Tiouree
Lot 57. Tiouree
Lot name : Lot 58. Acid clorhidric
Lot 58. Acid clorhidric
Lot name : Lot 59. Acid azotic
Lot 59. Acid azotic
Lot name : Lot 60. Acid oxalic
Lot 60. Acid oxalic
Lot name : Lot 61. Caliu bicromat
Lot 61. Caliu bicromat
Lot name : Lot 62. Iod
Lot 62. Iod
Lot name : Lot 63. Argint nitrat
Lot 63. Argint nitrat
Lot name : Lot 64. Clorură de sodiu
Lot 64. Clorură de sodiu
Lot name : Lot 65. Acid sulfuric
Lot 65. Acid sulfuric
Lot name : Lot 66. Mineralizare totala
Lot 66. Mineralizare totala
Lot name : Lot 67. Set pentru determinarea nitrozaminelor (МУК4.4.1.011-93)
Lot 67. Set pentru determinarea nitrozaminelor (МУК4.4.1.011-93)
Lot name : Lot 68. Zearalenona ≥ 98,00%(synonym F-2toxin) reactiv uscat,5 mg
Lot 68. Zearalenona ≥ 98,00%(synonym F-2toxin) reactiv uscat,5 mg
Lot name : Lot 69. Sulfate Standard for IC TraceCERT®, 1000 mg/L sulfate in water
Lot 69. Sulfate Standard for IC TraceCERT®, 1000 mg/L sulfate in water
Lot name : Lot 70. Formaldehide ICS 045 SigmaFormaldehyde IC Standard analytical standard
Lot 70. Formaldehide ICS 045 SigmaFormaldehyde IC Standard analytical standard
Lot name : Lot 71. Methanol analytical standard GC
Lot 71. Methanol analytical standard GC
Lot name : Lot 72. DPP(n-pentylisopentyl)phtalate)CAS 84777-06-0 CIL CLUZEAU 95,0 %
Lot 72. DPP(n-pentylisopentyl)phtalate)CAS 84777-06-0 CIL CLUZEAU 95,0 %
Lot name : Lot 73. NeoColumn for Zearalenone wide bore – cod 8140
Lot 73. NeoColumn for Zearalenone wide bore – cod 8140
Lot name : Lot 74. NeoColumn for DON –cod 8340
Lot 74. NeoColumn for DON –cod 8340
Lot name : Lot 75. Neocolumn for Aflatoxin B1
Lot 75. Neocolumn for Aflatoxin B1
Lot name : Lot 76. Neocolumn for Ochratoxina A
Lot 76. Neocolumn for Ochratoxina A
Procurement procedure documents
No questions posted
Bid evaluation
Estimated value without VAT10/1/2021 4:50:56 PM - 10/10/2021 11:00:00 PM
10/10/2021 11:00:00 PM - 10/13/2021 11:00:00 PM