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Produse alimentare pentru Gr.1 și Gr.2
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Tender information
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MTender ID
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Bid lot list
Lot name : Drojdie
ambalat în pachet de 1 kg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 10:57:51 AM Till 12/30/2019 10:57:51 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 9:32:30 AM
Lot name : Roşii conservate în sucul lor
borcan 780 gr., Standard de referinţă: GOST 7231-90
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:18:15 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:18:15 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 12:19:00 PM
Lot name : Pesmeţi dulci
Standart de referinţa: HG 775 din 03.07.07
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 10:48:44 AM Till 12/30/2019 10:48:44 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 8:00:00 AM
Lot name : Biscuiti cu cereale
in cutii de carton de 1-5 kg, HG 520 din 22.06.10
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:06:33 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:06:33 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 10:46:30 AM
Lot name : Orez bob rotunt
şlefuit întreg, calitatea 1, sac 25 kg, Standard de referinţă: GOST 6293-90
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:09:55 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:09:55 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 11:23:30 AM
Lot name : Pîine de grîu
din faină de grîu calitatea I.cantit. franzelei 620gr., Standard de referinţă-HG 775 din 03.07.2007
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 12:01:21 PM Till 12/30/2019 12:01:21 PM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 9:18:30 AM
Lot name : Suc limpezit borc.3 lit
limpezit, în asortiment, borcan 31, Standard de referinţă: SM 183 МВТ 5061-
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:48:10 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:48:10 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 12:56:00 PM
Lot name : Cacao
praf in pachet lOOg, Standart de referinţa: HG 996 din 20.08.03
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:58:14 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:58:14 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 2:28:30 PM
Lot name : Vanilin
ambalate în pachete de 2 gr.
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:56:39 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:56:39 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 2:10:00 PM
Lot name : Oţet 4%
4% sticla de 11, SM196
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:13:01 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:13:01 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 12:00:30 PM
Lot name : Crupă de Grîu
calitatea superioară, sac 25 kg, Standard de referinţă: PTMD 67-38869887-005
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 10:54:19 AM Till 12/30/2019 10:54:19 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 8:55:30 AM
Lot name : Făină de grîu
calitatea superioară, sac 50 kg, Standard de referinţă: SM 202-2002
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 10:59:09 AM Till 12/30/2019 10:59:09 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 9:51:00 AM
Lot name : Pîine fortificată cu Fe şi acid folie
calitatea I, pîine 0,4 kg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 12:04:59 PM Till 12/30/2019 12:04:59 PM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 9:55:30 AM
Lot name : Stafide
ambalate în cutii de 10 kg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:53:26 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:53:26 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 1:51:30 PM
Lot name : Orz
calitatea 1, sac 25 kg, Standard de referinţă: GOST 5784-61
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:11:23 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:11:23 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 11:42:00 AM
Lot name : Pîine de secară
pîine 0.50 kg din secară, calitatea I, Standard de referinţă-HG 775 din 03.07.2007
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 12:03:24 PM Till 12/30/2019 12:03:24 PM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 9:37:00 AM
Lot name : Biscuiţi bebeluşi
ambalaţi în cutii, calitatea 1.
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:50:05 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:50:05 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 1:14:30 PM
Lot name : Paste fainoase(spaghete)
calitate superioară Clasa 1, grupa 5, amb. în cutii de 18 kg, Standard de referinţa SM 191/1999
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:51:55 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:51:55 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 1:33:00 PM
Lot name : Lămîie
calitativa, Standart de referinţa: HG 1279 din 17.11.09
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:08:32 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:08:32 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 11:05:00 AM
Lot name : Crupă de Ovăs
calitatea superioară, sac 25 kg, Standard de referinţă: GOST 21149-93
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 10:56:07 AM Till 12/30/2019 10:56:07 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 9:14:00 AM
Lot name : Covrigei vanilie
ambalaţi in saci de 3 kg
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:59:57 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:59:57 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 9:00:00 AM
Lot name : Ceai negru
negru cu frunze mărunte calitate superioară, ambalat în cutii de 100 gr, Standard de referinţă: GOST 1938-90
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 10:51:06 AM Till 12/30/2019 10:51:06 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 8:18:30 AM
Lot name : Frunză de dafin
ambalat în pachete de polietilenă de 20 gr. Standard de referinţă: GOST 17594-81
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:02:59 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:02:59 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 10:28:00 AM
Lot name : Fasole
boabe întregi, în sac a cîte 25 kg, Standard de referinţă: GOST 7036-77
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:00:56 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:00:56 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 10:09:30 AM
Lot name : Crupă de Arpacaş
calitatea superioară, sac 25 kg, Standard de referinţă: PTMD 67-38869887-004
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 10:52:19 AM Till 12/30/2019 10:52:19 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 8:37:00 AM
Lot name : Sodă de mîncare
ambalat în pachete de polietilenă de 500 gr. Standard de referinţă: GOST 2156-76
Estimated value
Minimal step
Period of validity of the contract
From 1/2/2019 11:46:06 AM Till 12/30/2019 11:46:06 AM
Link to tender
Tender start
From 12/27/2018 12:37:30 PM
Procurement procedure documents
No questions posted
The procedure did not take place
Estimated value without VAT12/18/2018 12:06:37 PM - 12/23/2018 10:00:00 AM
12/23/2018 10:00:00 AM - 12/26/2018 10:00:00 AM